A brief History of us…
It all started when…
In July 1947: The Rev. Valentine Mack, a missionary at large, conducted a survey on the north side of Sheboygan Wisconsin. The first Divine Service and Sunday School was conducted on October 5, 1947, 12 people were present.
April 11, 1948: A chapel, located at North 12th St and Pershing Avenue, was dedicated for use by this first group of people, lead by Rev. Valentine Mack.
August 5, 1948: This group of people, now numbering 67, officially organized as a Lutheran Congregation with 35 communicant members. 18 signatures were on this resolution.
November 9, 1948: Our fledgling congregation adopted our new name: Luther Memorial.
August 1963: Bids were accepted to build a new Church building with fellowship hall and classrooms for Sunday School.
September 1963: Ground was broken for the construction of the new Church, with construction starting October of the same year.
May 17, 1964: The new Luther Memorial Church was dedicated to the Glory of the Triune God. The president of the South Wisconsin District - Missouri Synod , Rev. Herbert Baxman, delivered the dedication sermon. Much of the furnishings and equipment for this new church was donated by members of the congregation. The landscaping work was also completed by generous donations of time by members.
July 1964: Construction of a house, to serve as a parsonage, began. A dedication Service was held on October 4th of the same year.
January 1, 1972: Luther Memorial Church moved from mission congregation status to a self-sustaining congregation.
September 1973: Luther Memorial Church celebrates it’s 25th year of serving God’s Kingdom.
1982: An expansive redecorating project was begun. This project was completed by members of the congregation in March of the same year.
May 1997: First of the six stained glass windows depicting the life of Jesus is installed on the west wall of the sanctuary.
November 4th 1997: The last of the six stained glass windows is installed.
January 1998: Marks the beginning of 50 years of service to the Lord for Luther Memorial.
1998-2017: There were several more improvement projects in years to follow; including the addition of a pipe organ.
June 17 2017; Our current Pastor, Adam Barkley, is Ordained.