How to support our mission…
Please prayerfully consider using your Time, Treasure, & Talents to help us do the work of the Lord.
There are many opportunities to serve including:
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Fellowship Committee: This committee meets on the second Saturday of each month from 8-9 a.m. The fellowship committee plans out future fundraisers and fun fellowship events for the congregation. This is a great place to bring your creative ideas!
Music: Every Sunday, the congregation sings the Introit and Gradual. A different soloist sings these portions of our Sunday liturgy. Often, singers will sing pre-service music as well. All voices are welcome.
Mary Martha: This is our LWML chapter at Luther Memorial. All ladies are invited to attend their Monthly meetings. Mary Martha meets after Bible Study on the second Tuesday of each month. Our Mary Martha/ LWML Society is one of the largest in Sheboygan County.
Summer Work: Each summer, the Trustees plan a large event. Sometimes it involves paint. Other times it requires shovels and a whole lot of dirt!
Midweek Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., Pastor leads a Bible study. This is more "in-depth" than what is done on a Sunday. Currently, our midweek group is studying all the major events within the New Testament. All materials are provided and the coffee is always on.